
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Good morning world, such a gloomy day here in the city of Calgary but my mindset is sunny and cheerful. Think one has to be that way even when the world around you seems grey. Thought for today, if you surround yourself with the colors that make you feel something does it change how you look at life and live? I quilt with amazing colors sometimes way to many but it makes my soul sings. A teacher told me I read bright never thought about it before that moment. Then it made me take a look how the quilters around me pick and choose colors. We all choose colors to work with and decorate with because it's what makes our eyes happy. So if you always pick creams and light colors what does that say about you , or if you pick crazy bold colors does that mean that's you. Scary thought ! So when I painted my kitchen / dinning room this bright green what does it say about me? I love it while one of my friends asked when I would repaint it. She really dislikes it. For years my home was white or cream the furniture the same but now color is beginning to take hold and my family and I are living in color. As I told my friend it's just paint one can pick up a brush and repaint when it's time to sell as we all can't live with such color. So what colors does your eye read , are you afraid of color this is something that seems interesting what do you think? Just putting it out there, now one must head back to my normal life dealing with kids, messes to clean, house work to do, office to run etc. Spent yesterday working on a baby quilt which started at 11 and was finished at 4 to give away at 7. Needless to say did not do much yesterday so today must kick it into high gear . Have  a great sunny day .