Just back from Folk club, if one gets a chance there is nothing better than live music and theatre. Tonight we watched Barney Bentall, Tom Taylor and Shari Ulrich play. We laughted , cryed and just enjoyed the night. Met friends for dinner and drinks before the show. Then it was off to the show. The opening act was a Mary Flower http://www.maryflower.com/ what an amazing talent she can make a guitar sing. I hate to admit it but the canadian folk scene is not something I know alot about because well our artists in canada don't get the same exposer as
the americans , am learning and my collection of CD's is growing . So there was my saturday night all wrapped up in a bow. The day was just as full, Rod made breakfast and then we where off in all different directions. Class for me - Learing how to do embroidery Love this class although I challenge the teacher. Today we where making 3-D flowers, Humming Birds, and Calalillies that where to go onto a easter egg wall hanging. Did the embroidery but let me tell you no silly easter egg will be going on my walls. Evil laugh coming your way. I added them to this really cool art panel I have been making for the last couple of months picture is here although I could have figured out how to turn it around for better viewing. At least I am learning how to post pictures it's a step in the right direction. Well that was a day in my life hope one was not bored reading this and all your comments are welcome. It's sunday now and off to bed I go. Have a great sunday do something fun and enjoy the day. D.D. ;)