
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

What fills your energy tanks

Good morning, the sun is trying to sneak out from behind the clouds but don't know if it's going to win the battle but such is life. I don't know about you all but I hate the rain it makes me curl up under a quilt and read. Not saying reading is a bad thing cause we all should try and read more but it's the cocooning that I do . Lately due to the weather I have not been my happy creative little soul. It had been over two weeks since I last touched my sewing machine. And almost a month since I worked on anything special. Well this had effected my personality in ways that I did not Know. Two friends called to see if I was okay and doing well because they where worried. It was eyeopening to say the least. Well on the weekend I picked up a new book and a CD. Then on Sunday finally got into the Studio to play. Started and finished a block for my friend Sandra. Which jump started my spirits.Then thought I would start a new quilt following the pattern. Me follow a pattern with out changing it to make it my own what a thought. giggle giggle. So started making the blocks. Not sure about my color picks once I saw the completed blocks. That's okay cause I can always use it for the background of a new creation. Any ways went to my class last night took the fabric I had been using on these new blocks and used them in Class. Well guess what four different blocks later some abstract designs and now I know where this new quilt is heading. Sorry Eleanor Burns just could not stay in your box. As the creative box exploded I could feel my energy levels rising. Ah to have my energy tanks get filled up was what my spirit needed. So how do you charge your soul or spirit? That's the question of the day. I know for me it's playing in the garden, making a batch of cookies or a cake but most importantly for me is to let the creativity flow. The more one plays and lets the mind play the happier the spirit feels for me. My Grandmother painted , my mother draws, and I have always struggled because I am creative but could not say I was an artist like the women in my life. Now quilting is not consider an art form by most In my world the quilts I make are an expression of myself in some way.The ones I love the most take on a life of their own and one never knows where they will take me but I hold on a enjoy the ride. So today my Energy tanks are full , the creative juices are flowing and Deb's in happy mode. Welcome back evil giggle. Now tell me what fills your Energy tanks.
About the picture someone said I could not do a mini Bargello ha the creativity flowed the day it was made!

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